
Friday, August 9, 2019

Useful PostgreSQL short-cut Commands

Useful commands: Only shot-cut commands:

\l   or \list
List all the databases created
\c  database_name
To connect a database
\dt  schema.*
List all the tables in a schema
List of tablespaces
List all schemas in postgres
List of relations / Tables
\d  schema.table_name
Describe structure of the table
\dt *
All Tables
\dv *
All views
\ds *
All sequences
(Edit) Modify the query buffer
(Go) Execute the query buffer
(Search) Last commands used
(Reset) Clears the query buffer
SELECT spcname FROM pg_tablespace;
List all tablespaces
select * from pg_namespace;
List all schemas
Display help on Command
read name into query buffer (input)
\o name
Send output to name
Display the query buffer
Toggle the output headers on/ off
\w name
Write the query buffer to name
Execute the Linux command
Help on meta-commands
display in transpose mode

Most of cases you can use '+' to display more information for same command.
\dt (display table information)
\dt+ ( display table information with addition columns)